1. Why is this location important? Historic Charlton Park is a one-of-a-kind resource that provides a glimpse into the past, related to how European settlers lived in West Michigan. The facility is open year-round and provides a variety of opportunities accessible to the general public. Admission fee required.
2. How do the resources shown in this photo help to tell the Byway’s story? The photograph is a typical scene in the facility. The facility helps educate visitors’ of the Byway’s history and preserves it for future generations of residents and visitors.
3. How is this resource linked to the other resources along the Byway? The resource is on the very eastern edge of the Byway and is an attraction in itself, or could supplement a visit to the Byway.
4. How is this resource linked to the roadway? The resource is several miles east of M-179, but is easily accessed.
5. Has this resources been recognized by any regional or national program or organization? NA
6. Who owns this resource? Is the owner involved in the Byway Committee or the development of the Byway Management Strategy? Barry County owns the resource and has several representatives on the Steering Committee.