1. Why is this location important? Downtown Hastings, the City’s parks, the historical homes, the seat of county government, and everything else that makes a community is on the eastern edge of the Byway and provides visitors with a variety of opportunities including food, lodging, retail, and other attractions and resources. Most of the facilities are open year-round and provide a variety of opportunities accessible to the general public.
2. How do the resources shown in this photo help to tell the Byway’s story? The photograph shows a pedestrian friendly downtown that is worthy of a trip on its own. Hastings is the largest city in the Byway and the primary service and retail center.
3. How is this resource linked to the other resources along the Byway? The City of Hastings is on the eastern edge of the M-179 Byway and is the primary community within the boundaries established for the study.
4. How is this resource linked to the roadway? M-179’s eastern terminus lies just to the west of the City of Hastings.
5. Has this resources been recognized by any regional or national program or organization? Hastings has many resources of regional and national significance.
6. Who owns this resource? Is the owner involved in the Byway Committee or the development of the Byway Management Strategy? Like any community, ownership is a mix of public and private interests including all levels of government, retail and manufacturing businesses, homeowners, and others.