1. Why is this location important? Gun Lake is a large lake (largest lake in Allegan or Barry County) in the middle of the Byway that provides a variety of benefits including residential (year-round and seasonal), recreational opportunities, boating, fishing, and scenic opportunities. Gun Lake is one of the area’s key resources. Year-round opportunities exist and the lake is accessible to the general public (with some privately held properties). |
2. How do the resources shown in this photo help to tell the Byway’s story? The photograph shows Gun Lake and a County Park, which demonstrates the public accessibility to the lake. |
3. How is this resource linked to the other resources along the Byway? Gun Lake is located in Allegan and Barry counties as well as being a key part of Yankee Springs Recreation Area. |
4. How is this resource linked to the roadway? M-179 passes along the northern portion of Gun Lake. The lake is accessed through a variety of adjacent roads and streets. |
5. Has this resources been recognized by any regional or national program or organization? NA |
6. Who owns this resource? Is the owner involved in the Byway Committee or the development of the Byway Management Strategy? The lake is maintained by the State of Michigan, but is owned by a variety of entities including private, State, County, and local. Representatives from local, county and state agencies serve on the Byway Committee. |